Then the World Wide Web came calling. At first it offered no special advantage to the freelance publish writer. Then suddenly without any warning, drama. Blogs burst into the scene and all of a sudden everything changed. To many a freelance publisher writer, like myself, it was too good to be true and it was feared that this was yet another of those fads that come and go on the net. A little like the ebooks fairy tale that disappeared in smoke like it had never existed.
Fortunately blogs had arrived to stay and to date have played the biggest role in revolutionizing the web. Gone were the days when a freelance publisher writer would have to wait to register a domain and spend a couple thousand dollars to build and design their web site. They would do all this only to find that they needed to pay more to promote their freelance publisher writer's web site to get any decent traffic.
These things take time, even Stephen King was not signed the first night. Be patient, book publishers are quite busy and may take a while to get back to you. Just keep positive, if your book is good a publisher will sign you.
Editors are interested in products rather than concepts, so don't approach a publishing house unless you have a manuscript to sell. New writers have a hard time breaking into the publishing industry because they don't realize how much work it actually takes to create a manuscript. So before you find a book publisher, write the thing!
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