Thursday, August 6, 2009

Controlled Circulation for Publishing Services

IQR provides Subscriber acquisition & renewals services for controlled circulation publishers using a mix of telemarketing, email and online. We reduce the cost of telemarketing by using our offshore call center in India. Our track record includes 7 BPA audit cycles and we have proven our ability to deliver with “tough crowds” such as IT managers, doctors, Wall Street and manufacturing managers.

You undoubtedly have noted ads offering reports on government surplus, oil lotteries, land acquisitions, energy, etc. These ads appear in many national magazines monthly. year after year. Such reports contain information extracted from government publications. Often they are copied word for word. The "insiders" know how and where to get this valuable information free, or at low cost, then use this material to earn huge profits for themselves.

Prior to making contact with the publication prepare a script of what you are going to say to the editors when you call. Ask questions like what their word limit is, do they pay for contributions and do they have any specific requirements for your article? Ask for their policy on reprints for marketing purposes. It is also important to emphasize that you will tailor your article to suit their specific publication. Remember the initial phone establishes the relationship, be professional but approachable.

From this vast source of published material are many thousands of ideas you can adopt to prepare an informative publication which can be profitably sold by mail.

The first step, obviously, is to find out which publications are available, what subjects they cover and where they can be obtained. The second step is to select topics which would inform, appeal to and attract a large number of people who would be willing to buy your information by mail. The third step, is to compile this information into a book, manual or report, get it printed, then go about the business of marketing it profitably

Trade publications present an excellent opportunity for organizations to gain thousands of dollars worth of free publicity by having articles published. As they are regularly looking for articles to fill space and they are often used as a forum to promote new products or services to specific audiences. In addition to this trade publications are often tailored to specific markets and widely read, offering a tailored communication channel.

Thoroughly research what publications are available on the market that might be interested in using your article. A media guide such as Margaret Gee's Guide to Australian Media will provide you with the relevant contact details of editors. Take into account how often the publication goes to print; it’s audience and circulation. Also take note of specific journalists who cover stories similar to the one you would like printed. Some publication designate areas of expertise to journalists, by targeting to right journalist, you may have greater odds of being printed.

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